PONTIANAK - The team from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Regional Police of West Kalimantan has disciplined firecrackers sellers ahead of the 2022 Christmas and New Year celebrations.

"Today we are holding Operation Concentration II with the aim of controlling firecrackers sellers spread across three locations, namely, on Jalan Adisucipto, Gang Siaga Jaya, then on Jalan Captain Marsan, and the Pontianak air rifle shop," said Head of Sub-Directorate III of the West Kalimantan Police, Kompol. Wira Prayatna in Pontianak quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

He explained that in controlling the firecracker sellers, his party had secured one person and 14 boxes of evidence, then they were given direction and guidance so they would not take any more unlawful acts.

He added, Operation Concentration will continue to carry out activities to control firecrackers sellers, the reason being that if left alone it can have an impact on endangering the safety and security of the community.

"We asked the seller of the firecrackers to sign a statement so that they no longer sell firecrackers and the like in the future," he said.

The prohibition of selling firecrackers has been regulated in Perkap No. 2 of 2008, so in circulation it has been determined which ones are allowed and which ones are prohibited. "This is solely for public safety and security, so that incidents that we don't want because of firecrackers can be avoided," he said.

Previously, the Ditreskrimum Polda West Kalimantan also held Operation Pekat II by cracking down on and controlling acts of thuggery which were quite disturbing to the public at several gas stations in Pontianak City, namely at Jalan Imam Bonjol gas stations, Sungai Jawi gas stations and Kota Baru gas stations.

In this control activity, the Ditreskrimum of the West Kalimantan Police secured one perpetrator of a criminal act of thuggery, then was given direction and guidance so as not to commit acts that violate the law.

"We carried out this control because residents often felt uncomfortable with the presence of thugs who sometimes made a fuss at the gas station," said Head of Sub-Directorate III of the West Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimum.

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