JAKARTA - The police have not yet determined the legal status of the TransJakarta bus driver with the initials YK who hit a pedestrian on Jalan Raya Taman Margasatwa Raya, South Jakarta. The investigation process is still ongoing.

"The legal status of the driver who caused the pedestrians to die is not yet a suspect, he is still a witness," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan when confirmed, Wednesday, December 8.

Although, so far, there is a strong suspicion that in the series of accidents there is an element of negligence by the TransJakarta driver. However, evidence and instructions are needed for the allegations to be proven.

"This is still being investigated," said Zulpan.

Previously, a pedestrian was the victim of an accident on Jalan Taman Margasatwa Raya, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. He was hit by a TransJakarta bus while crossing.

According to eyewitnesses to the incident, the victim was crossing the road and was hit by a Transjakarta bus numbered B 7107 PGA and bounced about five meters. The victim suffered several injuries and died.

Head of Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono said the pedestrian victim who was hit by a Transjakarta bus did not cross the pedestrian crossing bridge (JPO).

"So, pedestrians cross the road but not in the right place," said AKBP Argo Wiyono when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 7.

Argo assessed that the Transjakarta bus driver as the crasher and the pedestrian victim in this incident both had the potential to make mistakes. Pedestrians crossing the road are not in the right place and the Transjakarta bus driver has an element of negligence.

"So between the two there is an element of negligence, both the pedestrian and the driver. When the incident happened, the Transjakarta bus wanted to return to the pool because the incident was already at 10 pm," he said.

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