PALEMBANG - The Palembang Polrestabes team, South Sumatra thwarted the circulation of 5 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine from the Riau network. As much as 5 kg of crystal methamphetamine was obtained from two suspects named Bayu Prabowo (29) and Wahyu Romadhon, residents of Jalan OPI Raya. , Lorong Kalimantan 3, Jakabaring District.

The Head of Palembang Polrestabes Kombes Irwan Prawira in Palembang, Tuesday, said the suspects were arrested by the Drugs Unit of the Palembang Polrestabes, Friday, December 3. The police previously informed them of the entry of illegal goods into Palembang. “Reskrim immediately moved. The suspect was arrested in an ambush operation at a five-star hotel in the city of Palembang," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 7. They obtained the crystal methamphetamine from a dealer in Riau Province known to have the initials A. According to the suspects, the shabu is planned to be distributed to the Kalidoni, Tangga Buntung and Boom Baru areas in Palembang. For every kg of methamphetamine they managed to sell, they were paid Rp 5 million by the dealer.

"The police will hunt down A, who is said to be the dealer, including other networks to free Palembang from drug trafficking," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Drugs Unit at the Palembang Polrestabes, Kompol Mario Ivanry, said that during the raid at the hotel, the suspect admitted that he did not know anything, then his members and the suspect searched their house in Jakabaring. At the house belonging to the suspect, Wahyu Romadhon, the police found evidence of 5 kg of methamphetamine methamphetamine. The evidence was packed in five plastic bags of Chinese green tea which were placed in a bag in his bedroom. For this act, the suspect was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) Jo. Article 132 paragraph (1) and Article 112 paragraph (2) Jo. Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics carries a threat of imprisonment for life or death.

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