JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron galvanizes participants in National Level Student Leadership Education and Training (Diklatpimnas) II to shape the character of future leaders who avoid bribery practices.

Ghufron said that while filling the briefing on the Ministry of Religion's II Education and Training agenda held in Serang, Banten, Tuesday with the theme "Rebranding PTKI Student Leadership: Strengthening Religious Literacy, Moderation, and Technology in the Era of Digital Supremacy".

He said, bribery was the most cases handled by anti-corruption agencies at this time. This practice of bribery occurs in all lines of the government bureaucracy, starting from the village, sub-district, district, province to central levels, even this practice has spread to all interests.

"This shows that our current state administration world is full of bribes and bribes. If you want to become a regional head, you have to give a bribe. So the governor gives an envelope, if you want to ask for a business permit, you must also give a bribe," Ghufron said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday 7 December.

According to him, corrupt behavior actually undermines the state's goal to seek justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people, so to eradicate the culture of corruption, integrity is needed in individuals, especially those in power.

"The existence of this corruption is because there are intentions and opportunities, besides that our officials lack integrity," said Ghufron.

Ghufron stated that almost all public positions lack human resources (HR) with high integrity. This can be seen from the way they get a profit-oriented position.

"When someone buys a position, when he sits down, he will try to return capital and that almost happens in all public positions. Our public positions are filled with people who, on average, don't have integrity, so don't expect integrity to emerge," said Ghufron. .

The Diklatpimnas II took place on December 6-12 2021. Previously on Monday (6/12) the activity was opened by the Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) of the Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion, Suyitno, together with Deputy Governor of Banten Andika Hazrumi and Chancellor of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Wawan Wahyudin.

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