JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron asked that the education process in Indonesia must be accompanied by the application of integrity. This is called important because the country will lose money if it has a generation that does not have integrity.

This statement was made by Ghufron while attending the Launching of the National Anti-Corruption Education Strategy. This activity is carried out as a series of activities for the 2021 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) which will be commemorated on 9 December.

"We just want to entrust that our educational process is filled with integrity. Because dishonesty is not only harmful but dangerous," said Ghufron in an online program broadcast on Tuesday, December 7.

"Smart people but have no integrity are more dangerous than stupid people with integrity. But, of course we don't want both of them because it's impossible for us to only hope for a stupid person even though he has integrity," he added.

Ghufron hopes that future generations will be highly knowledgeable, intelligent, and skilled but have integrity. So that in the future the anti-corruption generation can sit as national officials and will not practice corruption.

However, this hope can only be achieved if relevant stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which oversees education from early childhood to tertiary institutions, the Ministry of Religion in charge of madrasas and Islamic boarding schools, and the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as the school owner. service, and KemenPAN-RB as the estuary of school graduates who become state civil servants in collaboration with the KPK.

"By working together, nothing is difficult to eradicate corruption. If we commit to the same vision to eradicate corruption from character education, integrity education, then we can hope that our future will give birth to generations of integrity," said Ghufron.

Moreover, with integrity, the younger generation can avoid criminal acts such as corruption, radicalism, to narcotics. "Because in fact, intolerance, corruption, radicals stem from that, namely our inability to form national cadres with integrity," he said.

"That our education creates human characters with high religious spirituality, high self-control, high personality, intelligent, skilled and moral. These six things are a dream for all of us when we achieve them, God willing, our cadres and officials will be anti-corruption, " he concluded.

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