JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo succeeded in bringing Central Java to receive the 2021 Meritocracy Award from the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN). Central Java is ahead of East Java, West Java and DKI Jakarta in this award with 335.5 points.

Governor Ganjar Pranowo received the award directly at The Westin Grand Ballroom, Surabaya, Tuesday, December 7. Apart from Central Java, the Meritocracy Award was also received by the Provinces of South Sulawesi, East Java and Bali.

Ganjar is the only governor who is lined up to give testimony regarding the meritocracy award. Ganjar also recounted the long debate he experienced in the preparation of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN, which is also related to the Merit System.

"I express my gratitude for the seriousness of my friends from the Central Java Provincial Government, who today received an award in the very good category," said Ganjar.

In addition to the Central Java Provincial Government, three regency governments in Central Java also received awards, namely the Purworejo Regency Government, Sragen Regency Government and Wonogiri Regency Government in the Good category.

Ganjar said, he hopes that this award will trigger the provincial government and regional governments to implement a better merit system. Ganjar hopes that there will be no more political intervention with stories of retribution.

“Give them the opportunity who are credible, have integrity, are competent to sit (in positions). We no longer think about likes and dislikes, we encourage this merit system to reduce the reward system," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said that interventions that can be carried out by regional heads in this case must prioritize factors such as the integrity and competence of the ASN itself.

"So the meritocracy of the system that KASN then conveyed in my opinion is good. It remains only for KASN to be a good referee and a good consultant. So that the communication can run, "he said.

Chairman of KASN Agus Pramusinto said the Meritocracy Award is a form of high appreciation for government agencies that have successfully implemented a merit system. He hopes that this event can encourage consistency in implementing the merit system so that it can be maintained.

"This success is the result of the hard work of all levels who are committed to continuously improving their ASN management and is also the result of a commitment to continue to coordinate and collaborate in conducting coaching with Kasn in implementing the merit system," Agus said in his speech.

The merit system is an ASN policy and management based on qualifications, competence, and performance, which is applied fairly and fairly without discrimination.

The implementation of a merit system in ASN management is important as an effort to realize superior and competitive human resources. The merit system was born based on fairness, ability, achievement, and performance as the foundation in the process of recruitment, salary, development, promotion, retention, discipline, and employee retirement.

Agus explained, there are eight aspects of assessment in this award. Namely needs planning, procurement, career development, promotions and transfers, performance management, remuneration, rewards, and discipline, protection and services, and information systems.

“KASN has assessed a total of 347 government agencies. A total of 106 government agencies got the good category and 46 agencies got the very good category," said Agus.

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, who was present virtually, hoped that this award would accelerate the achievement of the transformation of Indonesian ASN which is an absolute prerequisite for achieving bureaucratic reform.

"Improve the agility and adaptive capacity of human resources and organizations to face challenges and dynamics of change at national and global levels," said Ma'ruf.

"I congratulate government agencies that have achieved very good and good criteria, I believe this result is the fruit of commitment and hard work together. continue to improve this achievement, “said Ma'ruf.

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