JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited locations affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru in East Java. The National Police Chief ensured that the handling of natural disasters went well, starting from evacuating victims to helping residents.

"Everything is going well. Friends from Basarnas, BNPB, TNI, Polri are all working very well, synergizing," said Sigit in a written statement from the Police Public Relations Division, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 7.

In his review, the National Police Chief said the readiness of the task force to take steps starting from treating people who were found to be injured.

Then there is also the readiness of the DVI Polri team to get input from the surrounding community which of course is carried out with evacuation and search activities for people who are reported missing.

"Earlier, it was reported that 22 people were found and there was a process of identifying the antemortem and postmortem," said Sigit.

Sigit said, at the location, there was also a joint task force activity that managed people whose houses were affected by the eruption to refugee camps. In addition, the joint task force also carried out trauma healing for victims.

At least, said Sigit, there are several steps that the joint task force can take, both in the short and medium-term.

The short-term step, the joint task force is to continue the search and evacuation process for victims who have not been found.

"In the medium term, we received a lot of input and expectations from the community because there was a broken bridge connecting the Lumajang location to Malang," said Sigit.

According to the National Police Chief, it is important and necessary to take quick steps to create new alternative transportation routes so that the distribution of aid and treatment of the injured can run well.

"This requires fast steps, new alternative transportation routes and this is very important," said Sigit.

Sigit also asked the joint task force to relocate the community around the eruption site of Mount Semeru. This is done so that there are no more casualties in the event of a follow-up eruption.

The National Police Chief took the time to directly inspect the disaster emergency post, the handling of hospitals, the National Police DVI Command Post, and places for trauma healing.

"We give encouragement to our colleagues on duty and we hope that all post-disaster activities can be carried out properly and all of them can carry out daily activities, after the stages carried out," said General Sigit.

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