LUMAJANG - The death toll from the eruption of Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency has increased by two. The total until now the death toll has increased to 19, from the previous 17 people.

"Two victims were found at around 13.10 WIB, dead," said the head of the operations and standby section of the Surabaya Basarnas, I Wayan Suyatna, confirmed on Monday, December 6.

According to Wayan, the two dead victims were found in the Kampung Renteng river, Candipuro District. The two bodies were identified as male.

"The two bodies were immediately rushed to Dr. Haryoto Lumajang Hospital for the identification process," he said.

Until the third day, joint officers continued to carry out search and rescue operations, on the possibility of residents who were victims of the hot clouds falling from Mount Semeru in Lumajang Regency.

The following is the total data on the victims or affected, namely 5,205 people affected, 27 missing and 19 people dead. Meanwhile, the number of displaced residents amounted to 1,707 people spread over 19 points.

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