Asking Law Enforcement Officials For One Vision To Eradicate Corruption, KPK: If They Are Not The Same, They Can Elbow Each Other Until They Slide
KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron/ KPK Youtube screenshot

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron asked law enforcers to have the same vision as his institution in eradicating corruption. He reminded that there should no longer be an attitude of mutual weakening between one institution and another that benefits corruptors.

This was conveyed by Ghufron when opening the Panel Discussion activity: Creating Synergy Between Law Enforcement Officials and Related Agencies. This event was carried out ahead of the commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2021 which will be commemorated on 9 December.

"If the vision is the same to eradicate corruption, then any of us will no longer want to overlap, fight each other, or weaken because the vision is the same. Different uniforms, different offices but the dream must be the same," said Ghufron in front of panel discussion participants such as which aired on the KPK RI YouTube, Monday, December 6.

"I'm sure anything we can do. But if the vision is not the same, it's not only then we don't greet each other, even sliding is happening," added Ghufron.

He then made an analogy that eradicating corruption was like a football match. Ghufron said, each team must have their respective positions for their players.

This, he continued, also occurred in efforts to eradicate corruption. According to Ghufron, in an effort to fight the corruptors, law enforcers already have their respective duties and functions and cannot play alone.

"After the vision is the same, we hope that there will be a structure, there will be roles that are placed in accordance with us playing the rhythm of eradicating corruption," he said.

In addition, in an effort to eradicate corruption, each law enforcement officer can share advantages and cover each other's shortcomings. One of them is related to human resources (HR).

Ghufron said the power of human resources should be resolved between law enforcement. He gave an example, if the KPK needs the help of investigators or investigators can ask the Police and if there is a shortage of public prosecutors, they can ask the Attorney General's Office.

Likewise, when the KPK needs an analysis of financial transactions, PPATK is expected to help and BPKP is asked to assist in calculating state losses.

"It's sharing because the KPK is nobody. KPK is a marriage institution for you, ladies and gentlemen," he said.

"We stand tall because our human resources are from the Police, our human resources are from the Prosecutor's Office, our human resources are at the BPKP, and many other ministries are included in us. We are actually a marriage institution from your father and mother in eradicating corruption," concluded Ghufron.

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