MALANG - A resident of Malang City Joko Santoso (38) who experienced visual disturbances or blindness after the COVID-19 vaccination, his condition is now starting to improve. only then can you see black and white shadows. "It's still black and white to see. It's 75 percent (improved). I can walk on my own," Joko said in Malang, East Java, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 2. the COVID-19 vaccination program using the AstraZeneca vaccine on 3 September 2021 at the residence of the local RW head. At that time, based on the results of the screening, Joko was in good health and normal. Then, he continued, after getting the COVID-19 vaccine he waited for about 15 minutes for observation and got a vaccination certificate. However, because the wait was too long, Joko finally decided to go home.

Jokowi said that at night, when he was about to play with his cellphone, Joko's vision was a bit blurry. At that time, he thought the blurry vision was because he was sleepy and then rested. The next day when he woke up from his sleep, Joko could not see anything. Joko's eyes darkened. As a result of this incident, Joko's wife, Titik Andayani (35) reported the matter to the head of the RW, and Joko was immediately taken to the hospital. , and I was taken to Reva Husada Hospital which was then referred to Saiful Anwar Hospital," he said. Joko had been hospitalized at the Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Malang City for approximately 11 days. The results of the examination showed no signs of health disorders. The doctor also stated that Joko was in a normal condition. "His progress is still being monitored. His left eye is the best and is approaching normal," he said. He hopes his condition will recover soon and return to work. Before Joko's vision was impaired, he worked as a construction worker in the Greater Malang area. Currently, only Joko's wife works in a pharmacy in Malang City.

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