JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN Jakpus) held a follow-up hearing on the alleged drug abuse case with the accused and celebrity couple Nia Ramadhani and Ardiansyah Bakrie including personal driver Zen Vivanto. The agenda of the trial is to hear witness statements from the Public Prosecutor.

"The trial will be held again on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 10:00 WIB for the examination of witnesses from the Public Prosecutor," said Chief Justice Muhammad Damis closing the inaugural trial, Antara, Thursday, December 2.

Muhammad Damis also asked the Public Prosecutor to present a number of witnesses who will testify at the trial.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) indicted the celebrity couple and defendants Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie, as well as personal driver Zen Vivanto with articles of drug abuse for consuming narcotics class I.

"The defendants, Wednesday, July 7, 2021, at around 08.00 WIB or at least in July at the house on Jalan Metro Kencana 5, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, have committed, participated in, as a class I narcotics abuser for themselves. himself," said the prosecutor from the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Andri Saputra, when he read out his indictment.

When reading out the indictment, the prosecutor explained that on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at around 10 pm, Nia and Ardi asked Zen to buy one package of class 1 narcotics, including methamphetamine, including the suction device.

At the request, Zen agreed after receiving a purchase fee of Rp. 1.7 million from Nia. Then on Wednesday, July 7 at 03.00 WIB, Zen met Rio, the methamphetamine supplier for Nia, at Kebon Kacang to complete Nia and Ardi's orders in the form of methamphetamine and a suction device.

"Zen then returned to Nia and Ardi's house at 8 am. Defendant I handed over a package of methamphetamine along with a bong to Defendant II. After that, Defendants I and II together consumed methamphetamine," said Prosecutor Andri.

Prosecutor Andri continued that Zen and Nia consumed the drug by inserting methamphetamine into a glass pipette and then burning the bottom of the glass pipette to produce smoke. Then the smoke from the burning methamphetamine was then smoked using a bong by Nia and Zen.

"After finishing, the suction device was stored by Nia and the bong was stored in the trouser pocket," said the Prosecutor.

Central Jakarta Metro Police arrested Zen in front of his house in Pondok Pinang, with evidence of a plastic bag containing white crystals of methamphetamine at around 15.00 WIB. Only 15 minutes later, the police arrested Nia Ramadhani and took the two of them along with evidence to the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters.

Then at around 19.45 WIB, Ardi surrendered to the Central Jakarta Metro Police and subsequently the person concerned was arrested. "The results of the urine tests of the three defendants were found to be positive for taking methamphetamine," said the prosecutor.

For their actions, the defendants were also charged with violating Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of four years in prison.

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