Again, Election Postponed, Bolivians Demonstrate Massive
Supporters pay tribute to Evo Morales (Twitter / @ evoespueblo)

JAKARTA - Postponement of General Election (Pemilu) has provoked major riots in Bolivia. Protesters who are supporters of former President Evo Morales blockaded roads in six of the nine regions in Bolivia for days.

The election, which was supposed to be held on September 6, has now been pushed back to October 18. Bolivian security authorities asked all political group leaders to have a dialogue in order to ease tensions.

Bolivian police chief Ronald Suarez said, "Immediate solutions to conflict through preventive means and dialogue, avoid confrontational action that could escalate conflict."

Not only that, a general in the Bolivian Armed Forces, Sergio Orella said, if political leaders do not take action immediately, the military will act. To them, the blockade looked like terrorism.

"On social media, there are videos of armed people and groups of people. This is terrorism. And terrorism directly affects the security of the country," Orella was quoted as saying by CNA, Tuesday, August 11.

It was noted that the masses who joined the demonstration were partly from among farmers and indigenous peoples. They think that postponing the election due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is only a trick by the opponent who still needs time to find support.

For the postponement, many political leaders have blamed the leadership of Bolivia's interim president, Jeanine Anez, for the postponement of the elections twice. Delays that trigger a disturbance to national security.

Bolivia has so far confirmed 91,635 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 3,712 deaths.

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