JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has reportedly named Pinangki Sirna Malasari a suspect. This was followed by the prosecutor's office, which began investigating the alleged criminal act committed by prosecutor Pinangki.

Based on the information gathered, the pinangki prosecutor was named a suspect in receiving gratuities. As for the increase in Pinangki's status after investigators found two sufficient pieces of evidence.

It was reported that Pinangki was immediately examined by investigators. The information received by VOI, after being examined by the Pinangki prosecutor, was immediately detained.

"Yes, yesterday was examined. The information is withheld," said a source to VOI at the AGO, Wednesday, August 12.

Until this news was released, the Head of the Penal Office at the Attorney General's Office had not yet responded to questions regarding this news.

Previously, Deputy Attorney General, Setia Untung Arimuladi, imposed disciplinary sanctions on prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari in the form of release from structural positions because he was proven to have violated the prosecutor's discipline and code of conduct.

The sentence was imposed based on Decree No. KEP-IV-041 / B / WJA / 07/2020 concerning the Imposition of Severe Disciplinary Punishment (PHD) in the form of Exemption from Structural Position. Sentencing was made based on the results of the examination of Pinangki.

Pinangki serves as Head of Subdivision of Monitoring and Evaluation II at the Planning Bureau of the Deputy Attorney General for Development.

From the clarification of the Supervisory Division of the Attorney General's Office of Pinangki, it is known that Pinangki has traveled abroad without the leadership's permission 9 times and allegedly met Djoko Tjandra.

Pinangki was deemed to have violated the provisions contained in the Attorney General's Circular No. 018 / JA / 11/1982 concerning Simplicity of Life, Attorney General's Circular No. B-1181 / B / BS / 07/1987 concerning Implementation Guidelines for Obtaining Permits to Travel Abroad and the Letter of the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence No. B-012 / D.1 / 01/1987 concerning Clearance Checklist.

Pinangki also violated PP. 53/2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants and Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia No. PER-067 / A / JA / 07/2007 concerning the Code of Conduct for Prosecutors.

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