MEDAN - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, North Sumatra, transferred three inmates (prisoners) in the category of drug dealers and high risk from Class I Prison Tanjung Gusta Medan and Class IIA Prison Pematang Siantar to Nusakambangan Super Maximum Security Prison.

"The transfer of these prisoners is an effort to break the chain of drug distribution in the Correctional Institutions (Lapas) and State Detention Centers (Rutan) in the North Sumaatera (North Sumatra) region," said Acting Head of the Correctional Division (Kadivpas) of the North Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Erwedi Supriyatno, in Medan. quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Erwedi said the three prisoners who were transferred were FC, KR, and MAH. The FC inmates were sentenced to eight years from the Pematang Siantar Class IIA Prison, KR was sentenced to 20 years, and MAH was sentenced to life imprisonment from the Class I prison in Tanjung Gusta Medan.

The process of transferring the three inmates was carried out on Wednesday, December 1 at around 01.00 WIB, by the Correctional Division of the North Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office.

"In addition, the process of transferring drug traffickers and high risk prisoners is in accordance with health protocols and with strict supervision from the police and prison officers," he said.

He said the transfer of prisoners was carried out as a commitment of all prison and detention center officers in eradicating drugs.

This is a form of seriousness in eradicating drug trafficking in prisons and detention centers, as well as providing a deterrent effect to other inmates.

"If the inmates are still trying to control drugs from inside the prison and have the potential to disrupt security and order in the prison, we will not hesitate to take firm action," said Erwedi.

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