BANTUL - Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar said that the Anti-Corruption Village Program launched by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should be a model for village governance throughout Indonesia.

"The KPK Anti-Corruption Village Model must be a model of government governance in 74,961 villages throughout Indonesia," said the Minister of Villages while attending the launch of the Anti-Corruption Village Program by the KPK, in Panggungharjo Village, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 1 December.

According to the Village Minister, good and clean governance will be realized starting from the village. However, to realize this requires a lot of involvement from all parties, from village officials, village residents, village leaders and assistants.

"That's what we then believe that everything we build is village-based, we will be able to make it happen, because I believe villages can definitely do it. Hopefully this Anti-Corruption Village model will soon spread to all villages faster than the spread of COVID-19," he said.

The Minister of Villages also said that realizing an anti-corruption village is to achieve the Village's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and one of the goals of the Village SDGs is to make an anti-corruption village.

"All development activities from the village absolutely require an anti-corruption attitude from all elements in the village, transparency, accountability, citizen participation, good and clean governance are absolutely prerequisites for achieving equitable village development," he said.

He said, one of the goals of the Village SDGs is to regulate transparency aspects starting from the process of procurement of goods and services open to the public, information on village social and economic conditions can be accessed by the public, and the accountability aspect of the Village SDGs regulating the availability of RPJMDes, RKPDes and APBDes documents.

Then the village planning and financial documents can be accessed by the public, provided within a day, all complaints and requests for information are handled and served, and the village head accountability report and financial reports are received in the village meeting (musdes).

"As for the village culture aspect, the Village SDGs target the participation of traditional leaders, religious leaders in non-corrupt development planning and implementation, as well as preventing corruption, collusion, nepotism (KKN), gratification or bribery with a village cultural approach," he said.

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