MALANG - All entrances to the Bromo area in four areas in East Java have been opened to tourists in line with the decreasing level of community activity restrictions (PPKM).

Head of the TNBTS Center, Novita Kusuma Wardani, said the opening of all entrances to the Bromo area, by limiting the number of tourists to a maximum of 25 percent of the total capacity.

"The natural tourist attraction of Mount Bromo will be opened with a maximum capacity of 25 percent, starting November 30, 2021", he told reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

Novita explained that currently the Bromo tourist area in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has been opened from all entrances. The Bromo area is located in four areas, namely Malang Regency, Lumajang Regency, Pasuruan Regency, and Probolinggo Regency.

Previously, access to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park was only opened at one entrance, namely Malang Regency which has PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) level 2 status.

He added, although currently Bromo tourism has been opened in line with the declining status of the PPKM level, he asked all tourists to tighten the implementation of health protocols including the use of the PeduliLindung application.

"Continue to apply more stringent health protocols, and must use the PeduliLindung application", he said.

According to him, there are five points that tourists can visit with a capacity of 25 percent of the total capacity in the Bromo Tengger Semeru area. The five points are Bukit Cinta with a capacity of 31 people and Bukit Kedaluh for 107 people per day.

In addition, at the Penanjakan point, the quota of tourists is 222 people per day, Mentigen is 55 people per day and Savana Teletubbies is 319 people per day. Visitor tickets for tourists can be accessed through

The Head of the Data, Evaluation, Reporting and Public Relations Sub-Division of TNBTS Center, Sarif Hidayat added that if the central government later implements PPKM level 3 at the end of the year, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park will adjust to that rule.

"We will follow the evaluation results and instructions from the center (Minister of Home Affairs) regarding the PPKM level", he said.

The central government said it would implement PPKM level 3 from December 24, 2021, to January 2, 2022, in all parts of Indonesia. The policy will be implemented pending the Ministry of Home Affairs issuing the latest Minister of Home Affairs Instruction.

This policy is considered necessary to tighten community movements to prevent a spike in positive COVID-19 confirmed cases after the year-end holiday.

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