JAKARTA - The Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) conveyed its position on the recommendation of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding cases of bullying and sexual violence/harassment that occurred at the Central KPI.

"The Central KPI expresses its appreciation for Komnas HAM's examination and study of cases of bullying and sexual harassment/violence as outlined in the press statement number 039/HM.00/XI/2021," said Central KPI chairman Agung Suprio at a press conference quoted by Antara, Tuesday. , November 30.

"Secondly, the Central KPI is waiting for the submission of the complete official report and recommendation from Komnas HAM, as presented at the Komnas HAM press conference on November 29, 2021," he said.

Agung explained that the Central KPI had formed a team to handle and prevent bullying and sexual violence, which consisted of 7 people.

The team consists of five human rights activists and two commissioners of the Central KPI, effective November 16, 2021 with the task of assisting victims and formulating internal policies/guidelines in terms of handling and preventing bullying and sexual violence/harassment within the Central KPI.

Furthermore, the Central KPI together with the team for handling and preventing sexual harassment and violence will follow up on the results of the study and recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission by making these recommendations as a reference for policy making in handling and preventing similar cases from repeating for the sake of upholding human rights in the work environment of the Central KPI.

Agung said the Central KPI would be firm and would not tolerate acts of bullying and sexual violence in any form by imposing sanctions based on applicable regulations.

Agung emphasized that the Central KPI has and will conduct regular briefing and outreach to all employees regarding the understanding of prevention and handling of bullying and sexual violence in the work environment of the Central KPI.

"The Central KPI always supports and cooperates with related parties so that the ongoing legal process can be completed immediately and become a lesson for all parties, especially in the internal work environment of the Central KPI," said Agung.

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