JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria hopes that the Provincial Government and DKI DPRD will be more synergistic and focus on handling health and the economy of residents affected by COVID-19.

This was revealed by Riza after signing the approval of the Regional Regulation Meeting (Raperda) on the 2022 APBD at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Monday, November 29.

Riza representing Governor Anies Baswedan signed the approval of the Raperda on the DKI Jakarta APBD for Fiscal Year 2022.

Riza emphasized that with the stipulation of the Raperda as a Regional Regulation on the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, the executive and legislature in DKI Jakarta will optimize collaboration in handling and increasing the health recovery capacity of residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, Riza added that the executive and legislature must work together to deal with the economic recession, keep the business world alive and provide a social safety net, as well as continue strategic development work programs for the benefit of the people of Jakarta.

"Hopefully 2022 will be the year in which Jakarta's economy can rise and recover," Riza said as quoted by Antara.

Deputy Governor Riza also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the leaders and members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD who carefully observed and studied all the substance of the Raperda material on the DKI Jakarta APBD for the 2022 Fiscal Year.

"The Executive Board will follow up on various suggestions, comments and recommendations from the Council submitted during the process of discussing, finalizing and approving this Regional Regulation, all of which will become important notes for the executive," said Riza.

The chairman of the plenary meeting, Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD Mohamad Taufik said after the Draft Regional Regulation on the DKI Jakarta Provincial APBD for Fiscal Year 2022 became a Regional Regulation, then DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan followed up.

"With the ratification of the 2022 Regional Budget, it will be submitted to the governor for follow-up in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said Taufik.

Taufik hopes that the notes submitted by the DKI DPRD in the process of discussing the 2022 KUA-PPAS APBD, will become a barometer between the executive and the legislature in running the wheels of government and priority programs in 2022.

"The report explains the entire discussion, and all notes must be considered because they have been discussed previously," said Taufik.

Previously, the DKI DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar) and the DKI Jakarta Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) agreed on a Regional Regulation (Perda) regarding the 2022 DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

Banggar and TAPD DKI agreed on the 2022 APBD worth IDR 82.47 trillion based on the results of the discussion of the General Budget Policy and the Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) with details of the regional revenue posture of IDR 77.44 trillion and the regional expenditure posture of IDR 75.75 trillion.

While the budget posture for financing receipts is IDR 5.02 trillion, the amount is obtained from the adjustment of the 2021 Budget Calculation Over Remaining (SiLPA) posture of IDR 4.03 trillion, and regional loan receipts of IDR 986.56 billion.

Finally, the posture of regional financing expenditures in 2022 is planned at Rp6.71 trillion, local government capital participation (investment) is around Rp5.53 trillion and principal debt payments are Rp927.93 billion and regional loans reach Rp250 billion.

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