JAKARTA - The driver of the Mercedez-Benz E300 sedan that went against the current on the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) KM 53,600 B, last Saturday, November 27, was an elderly person with the initials MSD who was suspected of suffering from dementia. The police who asked MSD for information got a confusing answer.

"So, for example, this MSD was asked, there were some that he was confused about. For example, when he was asked where he worked, he answered, I'm still working. Then when he was asked where he was, he said he didn't know," said Head of the Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement of the Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Police AKBP Argo Wiyono at the time. confirmed, in Jakarta, Monday, November 29, reported by Antara.

The police also found a number of new facts from the results of the examination. So, according to information from the officer, MSD entered the toll road against the direction of the Bintara Toll Road.

This MSD is entered from the toll exit, not inside the toll road and then crosses in the opposite direction.

The collision occurred on Saturday (27/11) at around 17.00 WIB, between the luxury sedan and three vehicles on the JORR toll road.

After undergoing an examination, the Mercedes driver was then returned to the family.

This was because it was suspected that MSD had dementia and was elderly, so at that time it was not possible to carry out further examinations.

Related to this, MSD's family will go to the police to provide the relevant medical records to the police as investigation material.

The police plan to check MSD on Tuesday (30/11) with assistance from the medical team.

"Psychiatric doctor, tomorrow will be here to check and confirm whether the person concerned really has dementia," he said.

One of the reasons the police sent the driver back to his family was because there were no fatalities in the accident.

The family is also willing to compensate for material losses caused by the accident.

"Even though there is a condition of damage, the family is responsible for compensating for the loss. So, while we are handing it over. If there are casualties, maybe we will make arrests," he concluded.

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