JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar reminded the government to be aware of the findings of a new variant of the Coronavirus B.1.1.529 or called Omicron, although so far it has not been detected in Indonesia.

In addition, Cak Imin, Muhaimin's familiar greeting, also appealed to the public to be more aware of this new variant. The reason is, Omicorn has a faster transmission rate, it is even rumored to be up to 500 times.

"While the Omicorn variant has not been detected, this must be a serious concern. Don't take it lightly and don't be careless," said Cak Imin to reporters, Monday, November 29. Cak Imin did not want the incident due to the Delta variant in the middle of last year to repeat itself at the end of this year.

"We have experienced when the emergence of the Delta variant made us all and the world confused. The death toll is extraordinary, hospitals are full everywhere," said Cak Imin.

Even so, the Chairperson of the House of Representatives' COVID-19 Disaster Management Supervisory Team requested that the public not need to panic. It's just that, you must continue to carry out strict health protocols (prokes).

Because, according to him, in the last few months, public awareness to carry out health procedures has decreased sharply, as if COVID-19 has disappeared. "The more people who don't wear masks, the more the crowds get out of control," he said.

Cak Imin also reminded that vigilance must be increased because in several other countries in Europe there was an increase in COVID-19 cases. Like the Netherlands and other countries.

"Austria has again implemented a national quarantine or full lockdown. Germany has also issued a strong warning to its citizens to be vaccinated immediately due to the extraordinary spike in cases. This should be an alarm for us," said Cak Imin.

However, for the time being, Cak Imin appreciates the government's swift steps in issuing a policy to limit the arrival of foreign nationals (WNA). Where, restrictions are applied to foreign nationals who have lived and or visited certain areas of the country within 14 days before entering the territory of Indonesia. "The policy is effective starting today (Monday, November 29)," he said.

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