JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Johnny G. Plate announced that Indonesia is included in the list of five countries with the largest decline in COVID-19 cases and has the ability to maintain it for a satisfactory period of time.

He hopes that the public can maintain the spirit to be disciplined in implementing health protocols and following regulations during the Christmas and New Year periods so that COVID-19 cases can still be suppressed.

"Indonesia has successfully entered the list of five countries with a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases and was able to maintain it for a long period of time. We are side by side with four other countries, namely India, the Philippines, Iran, and Japan," Johnny said in a press statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, November 27.

Johnny claimed that Indonesia had been able to reduce cases by 99.3 percent from the peak of the spike and was able to maintain it for 130 days or about 3 months.

As of November 27, 2021, the number of cases in Indonesia was 2.564 cases, this number is far less than the lowest point before the spike in cases occurred, which was 26.126 cases.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Indonesia as a green country with a low transmission rate of less than 2 percent," said Johnny.

Of course, this condition is a good achievement for Indonesia and also the result of the cooperation of all parties working hard to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 with various efforts.

"Efforts from each individual, no matter how simple it is, contribute to reducing cases and preventing transmission. Along with the opening of activities, collective awareness and community self-control efforts in handling the pandemic must continue to be strengthened," he said.

The current success of handling the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia proves that the steps taken by the Government are correct.

Starting from the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), intensifying 3T (testing, tracing, treatment), not stopping to accelerate vaccination, and discipline health protocols on an ongoing basis.

"We take this success as an encouragement, but don't let our guard down. Moreover, soon we will enter the long holiday period of Christmas and New Year which has the potential to trigger increased mobility. Without strict health protocols, there is a high risk of a spike in cases," he stressed.

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