SITUBONDO - Two farmers in Wringin Anom Village, Panarukan Village, Situbondo, East Java, were struck by lightning. One person suffered severe burns and the other died.

The two farmers who were struck by lightning, namely Muhammad Budiyanto (46), died at the location and Atmojo (60) who is now being treated at the hospital.

Situbondo Regency BPBD Pusdalops officer Puriyono said the incident occurred Wednesday, November 24 at noon. At that time the two farmers were still working in the fields even though it was raining.

"They had just been active for a while, they were immediately struck by lightning. Both of them fell down immediately," he told reporters.

Not long after, residents who saw the deadly incident immediately evacuated the two victims.

"After being examined by local medical officers, Budiyanto was declared dead. Meanwhile, Asmojo was seen still breathing and was immediately rushed to the hospital," said Puriyono.

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