POSO - The Madago Raya Task Force conducted a raid and inspection on the route to the mountains of Hamlet V, Tanalanto Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi today. Raids are carried out to anticipate the movement of terrorist sympathizers who provide logistical assistance or information.

"The raid aims to anticipate sympathizers who are trying to provide assistance to Poso terrorist DPOs. This raid also narrows the movement of DPOs and their sympathizers," said the Deputy Chief of Public Relations for Operations of Madago Raya, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Bronto Buriyono when contacted in Poso, Antara, Wednesday, November 24.

Every resident who crosses the mountainous path of Tanalanto Village will be inspected, from vehicles to luggage.

"Without exception, we check what they brought and where they were headed," he said.

In addition to conducting raids, TNI/Polri personnel who joined the Madago Raya Task Force at the Tanalanto Sekat Post appealed to farmers to increase their awareness of the presence of four DPOs suspected of being in the Parigi Moutong, Poso, and Sigi Regencies.

"We conduct raids as well as appeal to the community, especially farmers, to remain vigilant and careful when in the garden," he said. "As a result, we have not found anything suspicious," he added.

Bronto explained that similar raids were carried out in other areas of operation suspected to be hiding places for DPOs.

"A few months ago the Greater Madago Task Force succeeded in paralyzing Qatar and its followers in the Torue Mountains so that extra surveillance and security needed to be carried out in this region," he explained.

The Madago Raya Task Force also distributed photos of the faces of the four DPOs in a number of areas in the area of operation, including the installation of billboards on the faces of the four DPOs. The four of them are Askar alias Jaid as Pak Guru, Nae alias Galuh alias Mukhlas, Ahmad Gazali alias Ahmad Panjang and Suhardin alias Hasan Pranata.

"Two residents of Bina, West Nusa Tenggara Province and two more residents of Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi," explained Bronto.

Bronto hopes that the four DPOs will turn themselves in to be processed legally. "We ask for cooperation from residents to report if they see suspicious people or look like DPOs," he said.

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