CENTRAL - High intensity rain accompanied by strong winds in Pekalongan City, Central Java, from this morning until late afternoon caused several areas to be flooded again.

"The first flood occurred on November 15, 2021, and today a number of points have been submerged in water with a height of 20 centimeters to 60 centimeters," said Head of the Prevention and Preparedness Section of the Pekalongan City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Dimas Arga Yudha in Pekalongan, Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

Approximately 17 roads were flooded. Starting from Progo Street, Kandang Panjang, Jlamprang Street, Teruntum Klego, Lotus, Poncol, Sorogenen Field, Agus Salim Street, Sugihwaras, Sulawesi Street, Patriot Street, Student Army Street, Tirto, Kampung Baru, Perum Gama Permai, Kurinci Street, Celumprit and Jalan Sutan Syahrir.

Dimas said the heavy rain also caused the Gabusan River to overflow and inundate settlements and pond areas, especially in the Degayu Village area, North Pekalongan District.

Currently, he said, BPBD has prepared evacuation points, opened public kitchens and medical services, especially in Degayu and Clumprit sub-districts.

"As many as 76 residents affected by the flood have now been evacuated to a number of evacuation points, including the Degayu Village Hall, the former Kraton Kidul Village Hall, Al Hikmah Mosque, and Al Hikmah Tirto TPQ. In the evacuation process for the refugees, we also cooperated with PMI officers," he said.

The head of the Rukun Warga 1 Kelurahan Tirto Adip Triono said that his residence is an area that is prone to flooding during the rainy season, so residents have to evacuate.

"We hope that the local government can find a solution so that this area does not become a flood subscription. We are always wary if heavy rains continue to pour because it is certain that the flood will inundate residential areas," he said.

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