SOLO - The Surakarta City Government will maintain the Sriwedari land area as a public space, so that it can be accessed by many people.

"The main thing is that we proceed in accordance with existing regulations," said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Solo, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

The Sriwedari land, which is located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, is still a dispute between the Surakarta City Government and Wiryodiningrat's heirs.

As a follow-up to this condition, on Monday, November 22, the Surakarta City Government held a discussion involving a number of figures, including the Mayor of Surakarta for the 2012-2015 and 2016-2021 periods FX Hadi Rudyatmo and academics from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta M Jamin.

Regarding the suggestion for President Joko Widodo to intervene in resolving the Sriwedari land dispute, Gibran said that so far it would still be resolved by the regional government.

"We just finished it ourselves, but yesterday the input was good. What is clear is that we will touch it again soon, it will still be maintained as a public space for residents, so for residents' activities there is no problem," he said.

One of the points that need to be fixed immediately, namely the Segaran area. Taman Segaran Sriwedari Solo is a pond that used to be a recreation area for the King of the Solo Palace.

Referring to the disputed case, the Mayor of Gibran was reluctant to provide much information. "When will the dispute process be completed? Just according to yesterday's input," he said.

Previously, Rudi while serving as Walkot Solo said that one solution that could be done to resolve the dispute was that President Joko Widodo intervened to handle this issue.

"My advice is only one, the head of state (President Jokowi) must interfere in Sriwedari's affairs, that the head of state decides that this land belongs to the state, not to anyone (individuals)," he said.

He also hopes that President Joko Widodo will issue a Presidential Decree (Kepres) to save the land on Jalan Slamet Riyadi which is the heart of Solo City.

"The important thing is to save this asset not to lose it," he said.

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