MAKASSAR - The defendant in the bribery case and the inactive Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah (NA), read out a memorandum of defense or a personal plea for the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

During the virtual trial, which was held in Makassar, Tuesday, November 23, Nurdin Abdullah hoped to be released and continue construction in South Sulawesi.

"I appeal to the Honorable Panel of Judges as the last door to guard justice, please release me from all charges and demands of the public prosecutor", he said.

In the presence of presiding judge Ibrahim Palino who presided directly from the Makassar Corruption Court, Nurdin Abdullah asked the judge for justice to free him from the demands of the KPK prosecutor.

In the plea, Nurdin Abdullah deeply regretted what his subordinates had done, namely the former Head of the Procurement of Goods and Services (PBJ) of South, Sulawesi Sari Pudjiastuti, and former South Sulawesi Secretary of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUTR), Eddy Rahmat (ER).

He said that the two subordinates were highly trusted since he served as Regent of Bantaeng for two terms.

"I didn't think that my trust had been abused by them for years. However, through this trial, all the testimonies of the witnesses opened my eyes that the system in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government still needs improvement", he said again.

Through this personal plea, Nurdin Abdullah also expressed his longing for the people of South Sulawesi. He hopes to be able to lead South Sulawesi again and keep his promise to the people of South Sulawesi.

"Allow me to return to carry out the community's mandate to continue development in South Sulawesi", he also said.

According to him, one of his biggest dreams is to complete the construction of the Mattoanging Stadium which he has initiated according to FIFA standards.

"One of my dreams is to hear the screams and applause of football fans again, accompanied by sparkling lights in the magnificent building of our common stadium, the Mattoangin Stadium", he said again.

In addition, according to the former Regent of Bantaeng for these two periods, there are still many isolated areas that require road access. He wants to help more people in need.

"Many of our people on the island have not been touched with clean water and electricity. Allow me to complete my promises to the community, so that I don't have to worry about my accountability in the hereafter. And we can pass on better development for future generations", he said too.

In his memorandum of defense, Nurdin Abdullah also conveyed his habit of assisting with the construction of mosques. This habit made him known by the public as a person who loves mosques, his assistance is evenly distributed to remote islands.

"Helping in the construction of mosques has been my habit since long ago, even before I became a regent. Before building a factory in KIMA, the first thing I built was a mosque for the community and employees. We even helped build the mosque around the factory in the Kapasa area. Before I was elected as Regent Even in Bantaeng, the first thing I built in Bantaeng was a mosque", he said.

"I am a layman regarding legal knowledge, if building a mosque is wrong, then I am ready to be punished", said Nurdin Abdullah firmly.

At the end of the pleidoi reading, Nurdin Abdullah thanked the people of South Sulawesi for the prayers and support that continued to flow to him and his family.

"So much attention has been paid to us by the community, from support through social media to holding a joint remembrance that really strengthened us through this ordeal. Hopefully, it won't be too much if I ask for prayer again, so that we can return to walking hand in hand together to build a better South Sulawesi", said Nurdin Abdullah.

Previously, at the trial hearing, Nurdin Abdullah was demanded to be in prison for six years and a fine of IDR 500 million, subsidiary to six months in prison.

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