JAKARTA - Residents' houses in Ambon city that have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 will be affixed with stickers containing information on residents who have been vaccinated and those who have not, said the spokesperson for the Ambon city COVID-19 task force, Joy Reiner Adriaansz.

"The installation of stickers is a sign for residents who have not been vaccinated so that officers can visit them", said Joy Reiner Adriaansz, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

He said, through this information, the team will visit the homes of residents who have not been vaccinated in the first or second doses.

The Ambon City Government, he said, plans to carry out door-to-door vaccinations to achieve the target of achieving 100 percent vaccination.

Currently, the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in Ambon city for the first dose is 229,089 people or 83.55 percent, and the second dose is 137,546 people 50.16 percent.

"Door-to-door vaccination is a breakthrough to increase vaccination achievements, which had been stopped in the last two months", he said.

He explained that preparations for door-to-door vaccination are currently being carried out by the Ambon City COVID-19 Task Force by mapping based on data downloaded from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, and disaggregated by village/country and sub-district.

After the mapping is complete, stickers will be installed in people's homes containing information on who has been vaccinated and who has not.

He hoped that the public would no longer believe in the hoax news about vaccinations, and could support the implementation of door-to-door vaccinations carried out by the Ambon City Government.

"We hope that people don't believe hoax news because vaccines have been proven to be safe and halal, and can protect ourselves and our families from COVID-19", he said.

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