JAKARTA – The police who will retire are getting ready to be happy. Because, there will be a different new life. The police, in this case the Banten Police, have provided briefing and training for police civil servants nearing retirement, both psychologically, physically, and mentally. Even for police personnel nearing retirement, they are prepared to become entrepreneurs.

"Providing debriefing and skills training for Civil Servants to the National Police before retirement at the Banten Police. We have to prepare 3 or 4 years before personnel retire so that what we will do after retiring has been carefully prepared," said Banten Deputy Chief of Police BJP Ery Nursatary, Tuesday November 23.

The debriefing is carried out as a step in fostering the human resources of Polri civil servants in dealing with the pre-termination period, which aims to instill skills and expertise, so that they can help psychologically, mentally and physically as well as the motivation of every civil servant personnel at the Police.

“Retiring from duty creates a new spirit because we will face a new life. Don't worry there must be a change in our lifestyle. Of course this should be enjoyed by all of my friends," he said.

Personnel approaching retirement are motivated to develop their business from the insurance that has been paid at Asabri during their service period.

"All personnel rights from Asabri will be given at the beginning of retirement, so that they can be used to develop the business," said the head of Asabri Serang Sarwoko.

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