JAKARTA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Andika Perkasa, started his working visit to the Navy Headquarters and the Air Force Headquarters in Cilangkap, Jakarta, Monday, November 22.

During the visit, General Andika met TNI AL and TNI AU soldiers on two separate events. In each activity, the TNI's highest leadership was accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Yudo Margono, and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Marshal of the TNI, Fadjar Prasetyo.

The Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral Yudo Margono, was seen paying respects to the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa.

"I started the orientation because in the Army (TNI) I already knew exactly after leaving my position, so my focus was on the Navy (TNI) Headquarters," Andika said at the Indonesian Navy Headquarters Complex, Jakarta, as reported by Antara.

Andika wants to hear a direct explanation from the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy regarding the situation and developments related to the Navy.

"I want to get direct clarity from the Navy leadership about everything, especially about the tasks that are mine," said Andika.

The Commander also explained that the various programs that will run in the future, both within the TNI in general and in the Navy, cannot be separated from the budget format that has been prepared and determined by the government and the DPR RI.

"So, you have to be realistic, the budget for the development in the next 5 years has been completed and is under the Ministry of Defense," said Andika Perkasa.

Therefore, he mentioned the possibility that there would be no fundamental changes during his leadership as TNI Commander.

"So, relatively there will be no very basic changes because of the relationship with the budgeting process, which also takes a long time," explained Andika.

After meeting with Indonesian Navy soldiers and hearing an explanation from the Navy Chief of Staff, Andika continued her visit to the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters. During the meeting, Andika was accompanied by Air Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo.

However, the meeting took place behind closed doors.

Andika Perkasa officially served as the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces after being inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on November 17, 2021.

After the inauguration, TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto also handed over the position of TNI Commander to Andika Perkasa at a ceremony at TNI Headquarters, Jakarta, last November 18.

In the two activities, Andika emphasized that he would continue the various work programs that had been carried out by Hadi Tjahjanto.

"I will continue the tasks that have been carried out by Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto because that is what we are involved in. I will try my best to continue," Andika said after attending the handover ceremony, Thursday (18/11).

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