JAKARTA - The Central MUI through the Deputy Chairperson of the Infokom Commission, Ismail Fahmi, immediately clarified information on the DKI Jakarta MUI forming a social media team ready to defend Governor Anies Baswedan.

Ismail immediately communicated with MUI DKI after this issue became a public discussion. Ismail said that the Jakarta MUI social media team was not meant to ward off the buzzer attack that attacked Anies Baswedan on digital platforms.

"There is no plan to build a buzzer. It is impossible for MUI, both central and regional, to form a buzzer team. What we are building is a digital mujahid," Fahmi told VOI, Monday, November 22.

For Ismail, the digital mujahid formed by MUI began with workshops conducted in almost all provinces in Indonesia. In the workshop, MUI collaborated with Infokom staff, which consisted of young people, to create positive da'wah content about the teachings of Islam.

"What we build are young people who become regional MUI Infokoms, we teach journalism, photography, video, the direction of which is to create positive, moderate, intermediate, and interesting da'wah content," said Fahmi.

"Our direction is to preach, not the buzzer, not defending this, defending it. In accordance with the line of interest of KH Miftahul Akhyar (General Chair of MUI), we embrace, not beat. The buzzer hits, we don't," he continued.

As previously reported, the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through the Information and Communications Sector (Infokom) held a Coordination Meeting for the Information and Communications Sector throughout DKI Jakarta.

One of the decisions of the coordination meeting was to conduct a massive defense of the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan when he was attacked by a hoax by a buzzer.

At that time, the General Chair of the DKI Jakarta MUI KH Munahar Muchtar Munahar also hoped that Infokom and the DKI MUI extended family would be able to defend and assist the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Rasyid Baswedan, who has worked hard for the people of the capital.

If the buzzers look for Anies' mistakes, Infokom is asked to immediately play the narrative of Anies' success, both nationally and internationally.

"He is one of the 21 heroes of the world. For the news, I asked the DKI MUI to appoint it because we are partners with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government,” said Munahar.

After much discussion, Munahar emphasized that the cyber team he formed would only help Anies. Other Jakarta clerics deemed to be performing well and then being attacked by buzzers will also be defended.

"Is it for Mr. Anies only? No. If there is a Jakarta figure, he acts for the citizens of Jakarta, then the benefit is good for the citizens of Jakarta, MUI is ready to support and support and cooperate," said Munahar.

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