JAKARTA - Epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia's Faculty of Public Health (FKM UI) Iwan Ariawan said the risk of an increase in COVID-19 cases in the country was still high.

"The risk of an increase in cases is still high, although not as high as after the previous Christmas and New Year holidays or after Eid al-Fitr," said Iwan Ariawan, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 22.

Iwan said the health protocol (prokes) should not be ignored by the public considering the risk of increasing COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is still high.

Reporting from the report of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force on Sunday, November 21, there were still additional daily confirmed cases of 314 cases and 11 COVID-19 patients died.

In addition, the most active cases came from Papua, West Java, and Central Java, each with over 1.000 cases.

Therefore, Iwan reminded that health protocols need to be adhered to together so that there will be no further increase in COVID-19 cases. "So that we can immediately get this COVID-19 endemic condition next year," he said.

Iwan said Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) were carried out in accordance with regional indicators. This means that the PPKM level can be lowered and raised again if there is an increase in the transmission of COVID-19 cases or a decrease in response capacity by district/city.

"If people don't want the PPKM level to be raised again, then we have to take care that there is no increase in COVID-19 cases again. The trick is to consistently carry out health care, Care to Protect, vaccinations, and test-trace-isolation cases," he said.

Iwan said prokes is a simple action that everyone can take and can greatly reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19. Proces must be done well and consistently.

"So that we can prevent the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, so that we are more secure and comfortable in carrying out economic and social activities," he said.

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