JAKARTA - The land of Papua has been heating up again in the last few days. The Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) continues to act by spreading terror.
The terrorist acts seemed to target members of the TNI-Polri. Because, it was recorded that the KKB attacked the Sugapa Police and shot a member of the TNI.
The attack on the Sugapa Police took place on Thursday, November 18. It all started when activities at the police station went on as usual.
However, suddenly KKB attacked by opening fire. In fact, the so-called terrorist group opened fire on the police station from two directions.
"The KKB shot at the Sugapa Police Sector from the direction of the Telkomsel tower four times," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan.
"In addition, there were also shots from behind the PDB Bank towards the Sugapa Police," he continued.
After the attack, the team conducted a sweep using drone technology. As a result, it appears that five members of the KKB carrying three long-barreled weapons gathered in one of the green houses.
From there, the Nemangkawi Task Force team headed to the identified house to conduct raids. At the house, OJ and NT were found, who were immediately taken into custody.
"OJ and NT have been traced by the Nemangkawi Task Force, there is no connection with the KKB," said Ramadhan.
However, based on the results of the examination, the two men were not related to the KKB. So they will be released.
However, from the preliminary analysis, it is suspected that the perpetrator of the attack on the Sugapa Police was the KKB led by Undinus Kogoya.
Head of the Nemangkawi Operations Task Force Brigadier General Ramdani Hidayat said this allegation was based on mapping. Where, only the KKB led by Undinus Kogoya is located in the Sugapa area, Papua.
"Now in Intan Jaya, it's the Undinus Kogoya group," said Ramdani
Although there is a strong suspicion regarding the perpetrators of the attack, the five people who shot at the Sugapa Police have not been caught. The team is still hunting for their whereabouts.
"Not caught yet," he said in short. Two days later, KKB again spread terror by shooting TNI members. As a result of the attack, two TNI members became victims, one of whom was killed.
Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel Arm Reza Nur Patria said the attack began when several soldiers were on their way to buy daily necessities in Jayapura, Papua, Saturday, November 20.
"Several members of the Suru-Suru Preparatory Koramil BKO Apter Unit departed from the Koramil to shop for daily necessities at the nearest kiosk using a speedboard," said Reza.
While on that trip or around 06.00 WIT, KKB opened fire on the soldiers. As a result, Sertu Ari Baskoro was killed and Infantry Captain Arviandi was injured.
"Suddenly shot by KST from across the river which resulted in one member died and one member was injured," said Reza.
After the attack ended, the two victims were immediately evacuated to the Dekai Regional General Hospital by helicopter.
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