BANDUNG - The West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) noted that in the period January to September 2021, eight defendants in narcotics cases who were dealers were sentenced to death.

Head of the Legal Information Section of the West Java Prosecutor's Office, Dodi Gazali Emil, said the eight convicts came from a number of narcotics cases that were being processed by law.

"All of this is from data from state prosecutors throughout West Java from January to September 2021, from 734 narcotics crime cases, 8 of which were sentenced to death," said Dodi in Bandung, West Java, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

According to Dodi, all those sentenced to death are still undergoing legal proceedings even though they have been sentenced to death, so according to him, not all of the convicts have been executed.

"Everything is still in the legal process, there are pardons, there are other submissions, so until now they have not signed up," he said.

Based on his data, the most frequent death sentences were decided in the Cirebon City area. Data from the Cirebon City District Attorney's Office, there are as many as 5 defendants who were sentenced to death.

In addition to the city of Cirebon, in the city of Bandung, there were also defendants who were sentenced to the death penalty. Of the 138 narcotics cases in Bandung, two of them received the death penalty.

Meanwhile, Bekasi City is the area that has the most narcotics crime cases. Of the total 734 narcotics cases in West Java, there are 231 narcotics cases handled by the Bekasi City Attorney.

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