JAKARTA – Increasing the quantity of freshwater fish farming in the Sigi Regency area, Central Sulawesi needs to be increased. One of them is by optimizing the function of the Fish Seed Center (BBI). The Sigi Regency Government believes that in this way the local community's economy can be stimulated.

As stated by the Head of the Department of Food Security and Fisheries, Andi Aco in Sigi, the fisheries sector is a potential sector whose development can have a direct impact on the regional economy and society.

Andi said, Sigi already has several BBIs in several areas, including Dolo District, Sigi Biromaru District, Lindu District, Pipikoro and South Dolo.

Andi emphasized that the community and government must be able to optimize BBI in several areas because it is part of Sigi's assets, which were given by the Donggala Regency Government.

"This has great potential to be developed and Sigi can be a supplier of freshwater fish needs for people in Central Sulawesi," said Andi quoting Antara, Saturday, November 20.

Head of the Department of Food Security and Fisheries Andi Aco/ Photo: Antara

In an effort to maximize the function of the BBI, the local Fisheries Service has challenges, including the lack of water availability, as well as infrastructure that was affected by the earthquake on 28 September 2018.

For example BBI Kotarindau in Dolo District. The BBI land area is 32 hectares, in which there are 32 pools of varying sizes. However, of the 32 pools, only five pools consisting of two large 30 X 25 meter pools, and three small 15 X 15 meter pools, which can be re-used after the 2018 earthquake.

"The pool will begin to function again for freshwater fish aquaculture in 2020," he said.

However, Andi knows that the Department of Food Security and Fisheries has submitted an application to the local government to make improvements and improve the quality of supporting infrastructure. Including water availability.

"We have proposed, but this depends on the ability of the regional budget. Because we know that this region has limited APBD," he said.

According to Andi, in order not to burden the APBD, his party will cooperate with investors or investors to invest in the fishery sector. In addition, his party will also involve Small and Medium Industry (IKM) business actors in optimizing the BBI function in the Sigi area.

This is in line with the direction of the Regent of Sigi Mohamad Irwan to involve investors in fisheries development.

"We need investors, we need investors to optimize the development of potential sectors such as fisheries," said Sigi Regent Mohamad Irwan.

Strengthening the fisheries sector, said Mohamad Irwan, is a priority that must continue to be improved to develop the regional economy and society.

"Regional development must be carried out with the pentahelix concept which involves multi-stakeholders including the government, the private sector and so on," he said.

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