JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin said the idea of punishing corruptors to death was a manifestation of 'anxiety' in eradicating corruption.

"Why have thousands of cases been revealed and thousands of perpetrators of corruption have been convicted, but the quality and level of state losses have actually increased," said Burhanuddin, in a webinar held by the Faculty of Law, Jenderal Soedirman University, online quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

Burhanuddin said that the application of the death penalty for corruptors needs to be studied more deeply to provide a deterrent effect.

So far, the Prosecutor's Office has made various law enforcement efforts, for example dropping heavy demands according to the level of crime, changing the approach pattern from "follow the suspect" to "follow the money" and "follow the asset", as well as impoverishing corruptors.

"One thing that must be contemplated together, it turns out that the deterrent effect only affects the convicts not to repeat the crime. This deterrent effect has not yet reached the community, because corruptors take turns and grow everywhere," said Burhanuddin.

According to Burhanuddin, who received the title of Professor from Sudirman University, the purpose of the deterrent effect is so that the perpetrators of corruption do not repeat their actions, this has proven quite successful with at least corruptors repeating their corrupt acts.

However, the success of the deterrent effect for corruptors has no impact on society. This is proven by the fact that the phenomenon of corruption in Indonesia is currently becoming increasingly acute, acute, and systemic, as well as a legal pandemic that has entered every level of society.

"The biggest deterrent threat from acts of corruption is the death penalty. In the future, it is necessary to make a criminal breakthrough as a milestone in eradicating corruption and as a learning medium for the public to never commit acts of corruption," said Burhanuddin.

The Attorney General added that the effect of criminal sanctions is not only shown to the perpetrators of crimes, but also to influence the norms of society not to commit crimes.

"We need to think about what kind of deterrent effect that can be a "warning" for the public not to commit acts of corruption," he explained.

Burhanuddin added, an instrument that should be considered to be applied to the death penalty instrument, which is the heaviest type of punishment.

"I hope in particular for the academic community to be able to take part in providing studies, contributions, suggestions, solutions to law enforcement officials to be able to apply the death penalty for corruptors," said Burhanuddin.

"I am sure that the eradication of corruption in Indonesia will be better, firmer, and measurable. Of course, the hope for all of us is that Indonesia will be free from this legal pandemic called corruption," he explained.

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