JAKARTA - Kembangan police investigators continue to investigate the case of the death of a member of the Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR) community organization (ormas) with the initials DA (27) who was attacked by an unknown person at the FBR post in RT 08/03, Joglo Village, Kembangan District, Jakarta. West.

"We haven't (arrested the perpetrator yet), we are still investigating," said Kembangan police chief Kompol Khoiri when contacted, Thursday, November 18.

During the investigation of the case, as many as 10 people have been examined by investigators. However, he did not mention who the witnesses examined by his members were.

"(Witnesses being examined) are 10 people, CCTV (at the location) is being investigated continuously," he said.

He also asked for prayers from the community so that the case currently being handled by his party could be immediately revealed and arrested the perpetrators.

"We are working on CCTV, we will continue to maximize it to see which side so that the perpetrators can be detected," he said.

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