JAKARTA - Carrion flower or Amorphophallus Titanum is a native Indonesian plant that usually only grows in wild populations of Sumatran forests. This plant is included in the rare category based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classification. In fact, the existence of this flower is protected by Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999.

However, now the corpse flower grows wildly in the garden of the Pondok Kopi resident, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. The existence of the corpse flower as high as 50 centimeters with a diameter of 50 centimeters has become the center of attention of local residents because its appearance is very mysterious.

The existence of this corpse flower became the center of attention of residents. Residents from various regions who are curious, come to see the authenticity of the flower. This flower grows wild and has only been known to residents since a few days ago.

"I'm curious, sir, want to see the flowers," said Meyrani (27), a resident around the location.

To anticipate the damage to the rare flower, residents put up a fence of bamboo to limit the distance between residents and the flower.

Head of RW 09, Bambang Setiadi, said that local residents plan to protect this flower by installing a fence.

"A wooden fence will be installed to prevent the (corpse flower) from being damaged. Residents hope that with the growth of this corpse flower, it can become an icon in the housing of Pondok Kopi residents, Duren Sawit District," he said, Thursday, November 18.

At first it was known the existence of flowers from a report by security officers in the complex area who reported the growth of corpse flowers.

"Three days ago a member of our security reported that this corpse flower had grown. We asked the residents here but no one knew," he said.

According to Bambang, he has lived in the housing complex since 1981 and has never found this plant in his area. And only this time it grew in the Pondok Kopi residential area.

"This flower is said to be very rare, usually in Bogor. We immediately clean the environment and install a fence. We see the flower growth is very fast, there are flies starting to come to this flower. We are trying to maintain its sustainability," said Bambang.

In addition to East Jakarta, the presence of carrion flowers also grew in the yard of a resident's house on Jalan Bunga Rampai RT 011/03, South Cipete, Cilandak, South Jakarta, a few weeks ago.

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