JAKARTA - The government continues to encourage Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to take the floor on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). To achieve this, the Ministry of Finance will accelerate the necessary regulations, including synchronizing regulations.

The Special Staff of the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications, Yustinus Prastowo, said that this step was in line with President Joko Widodo's direction so that MSMEs that meet the requirements can enter the capital market.

Furthermore, Yustinus said, the ministry led by Sri Mulyani was really working on this. The goal is none other than because they want MSMEs to develop. However, it does need careful planning so that later it does not become a burden to MSMEs.

"This scenario is very possible to do. It should be a best practice that is applied in order to help MSMEs. It needs regulation, it needs synchronization, coordination, and harmonization so that it really is not a burden," he said, in a virtual discussion entitled 'UMKM Rises, the Economy Soars' , Thursday, August 6.

Yustinus said the government hopes that if MSMEs take the floor on the stock market, they can become new accesses to get investors, so that MSMEs will grow.

In fact, said Yustinus, the government has also included regulations to help MSMEs develop through the Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill, which is still in the limitation stage.

In the bill, the government has regulated scenarios related to partnerships between MSME actors and larger entrepreneurs. This is to make it easier for MSMEs to develop their businesses.

In addition, said Yustinus, there is also a single service power segregation so that it can make it easier for MSME players to compete with other businesses.

"We will still try to implement the scenarios that need to be implemented as soon as possible in order to help investment and development of MSMEs be better," he explained.

Previously, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs continued to encourage the SME sector to advance in class and even gain access to capital extensively through go public companies or IPOs.

Teten said, currently there are a small number of cooperations and UKM that have gone public. Therefore, Teten said that his party will continue to improve the quality of SMEs so that they can advance in class and penetrate the global market.

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