JAKARTA - The Bandung City Police (Polrestabes) revealed the results of an investigation and CCTV footage that did not show any involvement of other parties in the death of Ajeng Mahromatussa (21) who was found dead at the Gymnasium Building, Bandung on Thursday, December 26.
Bandung Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Budi Sartono confirmed that there was no element of a criminal act in the case of the death of the student of the University of Education of Indonesia (UPI).
"So we checked from security that none of them entered the gymnasium building and the CCTV results were no one but the victim," Budi said in Bandung, Saturday, December 28.
Budi revealed that based on the results of the investigation, the victim had an argument with his ex-girlfriend with the initials AV in his boarding room at 11.00 WIB.
"From the results of the examination, there was indeed an argument in the boarding room with his ex-girlfriend which was suspected to be a love affair," he said.
He said CCTV footage showed the victim entering the gymnasium building by walking alone. At 12.28 WIB, the victim was seen falling from the second floor of the building.
The victim was first discovered by two witnesses, MF and DN, who were currently creating content in the gymnasium area. The two witnesses immediately reported the incident to the campus security and local police.
"Because the provisional assumption is that if it doesn't fall, it falls on its own," said Budi.
Budi also said that the victim had no history of illness and was active in campus activities, including in the same group organization as his ex-girlfriend.
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