Mataram City Has Never Received Pfizer Vaccines

MATARAM - The city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, has never received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

"The types of vaccines we have received so far are mostly Sinovac. There is also Moderna for a vaccine to strengthen medical personnel and AstraZeneca from the TNI/Polri, while for Pfizer we do not yet have one," said Head of the Mataram City Health Service (Dinkes), Dr H Usman Hadi, quoted by Antara. , Wednesday, November 17th.

According to him, in early November 2021, NTB received an additional 10 coli of Pfizer vaccine stock, equivalent to 7,215 vials, but there was no quota for Mataram City.

"The distribution of vaccine stocks also depends on the provincial government," he said.

The statement was made regarding the readiness of the Pfizer vaccine in Mataram City as a type of booster vaccine for prospective Umrah pilgrims, when the government officially opens the departure of Umrah pilgrims in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is said, for the provision of booster vaccines for prospective Umrah pilgrims, so far they are still waiting for government policies. This means that when the government officially opens Umrah departures, the government will also prepare a booster vaccine stock.

Including the planned vaccination activities for children aged 5-11 years who will use the Pfizer vaccine, so far there has been no official follow-up and information.

"So for now we are focusing on vaccinating COVID-19 using the available vaccine type, namely Sinovac. For other needs, we leave it to the government," he said.

Usman added that there are still around 1,300 doses of Sinovac vaccine in the Health Office. Vaccination activities continue to be intensified through health facilities with the hope that the 100 percent target by the end of November can be achieved.

Based on data on the NTB Province COVID-19 vaccination coverage, he said, as of November 16, 2021, the COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Mataram City reached 310,107 people or 98.26 percent for the first dose and 221,083 or 70.06 percent for the second dose of the target target of 307,300 people.

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