KENDARI - Team Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) arrested two men with the initials W (24) and I (23). They are suspected of being involved in the theft of 12 units of two-wheeled vehicles in a number of areas of this province.

Head of Sub-Directorate III Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Sultra AKBP Mulkaifin, revealed that the two were arrested in the Anduonohu Village area and Kandai Village area, Kendari City, at around 14.00 WITA.

He conveyed that the Jatanras team secured evidence from 12 units of two-wheeled vehicles from the suspects which were the result of a road operation carried out by the Ditreskrimum Polda Sultra.

"So from the results of the operation on the street, we have secured two suspects with evidence of 12 units of two-wheeled vehicles. From suspect W, six pieces of evidence were secured, and suspect I was also secured with six pieces of evidence," he said in Kendari, Wednesday, November 17. .

The two suspects were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code on Theft and Weightlifting with a maximum threat of seven years and a minimum of five years in prison.

In addition to vehicles, from the operation of road activities held by the Ditreskrimum Polda Sultra, the police also arrested 10 other people who were found to be carrying sharp weapons (sajams).

"But for the 10 people, we are only providing guidance so that they don't make the mistake of carrying a shawl again, because it can trigger unwanted things on the streets," he said.

Currently, evidence of dozens of two-wheeled vehicles including sharp weapons is secured at the Ditreskrimum Polda Sultra.

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