JAKARTA - The corpse of a woman in the Margonda Residence 5 Depok apartment unit made a scene. Her mouth was taped, her hands and feet were tied.

There was a blunt force impact on the head of the woman with the initials AO. The victim was found dead on the evening of Tuesday, August 4.

The report on the finding of the corpse was followed up by the Depok Police team. The police came to the scene, carried out the crime scene (TKP). A number of evidences, namely duct tape, rope and hammer were secured.

From the crime scene, the police moved to trace the perpetrator of the murder of this 36 year old woman. Apparently there are traces of the last communication between the victim and the perpetrator.

From this trail, the police caught the perpetrator in less than 24 hours. The perpetrator with the initials FM was arrested by police in West Bekasi, Wednesday, August 5 afternoon.

From the interim examination, the perpetrator was apparently a close friend of the victim. It is suspected that FM had planned the murder by renting a unit in the Margonda Residence 5 apartment for 5 hours with the victim.

In that unit, FM killed AO. The victim's head was hit with a hammer. The corpse was also lying on his stomach with his feet and hands tied.

After killing AO, FM according to the police also took the victim's belongings. Therefore, in addition to being charged with premeditated murder, FM will be charged with theft and violence.

"Some of the missing items include the victim's cellphone, ring and motorbike," said Depok Police Chief Kombes Azis Ardiansyah.

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