JAKARTA - The Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA) has tightened security, including prohibiting residents from watching from the top of trees or hills at the World Superbike racing event at the Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, 19-21 November 2021.

At the last Asian Talent Cup training event, the enthusiasm of the NTB residents to watch the race was quite high, they were willing to climb trees and climb up hills and from the top of truck dams.

"We urge the public not to climb or cut the circuit safety fence and or do other things that are dangerous and violate the provisions," said MGPA President Director Ricky Baheramsjah in a written statement in Praya, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 16.

He said that the Mandalika Circuit will be the host that will give a good impression to the racers, including the audience, who will be able to bring Indonesia's image to the world better.

"Let's together maintain conduciveness inside and outside the circuit, by following the applicable rules so that WSBK preparation can be carried out optimally and runs well and is safe for all parties, both drivers, organizers, and spectators," he said.

To maximize preparation, all access to the circuit area will be tightened from 16 to 21 November 2021, and is only open to parties with an interest in racing events.

"Furthermore, on 19-21 November 2021 the circuit will be opened to spectators and parties who have official access from Dorna Sports and MGPA," he said.

He said access to the circuit was tightened to maximize and finalize preparations for the WSBK implementation. Security and preparation for this event must be guaranteed considering that the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit is a new circuit that will hold the world's first motorcycle racing this weekend.

"This is the first race to be held at the Mandalika Circuit," he said.

Access restrictions were imposed to provide flexibility for the organizers to carry out various event preparations, including logistical preparations and motor racing.

"In addition to preparing for 'test commissioning' to ensure all electronic, electrical and ICT equipment functions properly and normally, 'track cleaning', 'marshal' training, and familiarization of the circuit by the racers," he said.

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