JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is still evaluating the trial of opening a music concert when the PPKM status in the capital city has become Level 1.

"So this needs evaluation, sufficient discussion, so be patient," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria at Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, November 16.

Although COVID-19 cases in the capital are under control, he said, music concerts invite crowds of spectators and require special arrangements for the audience.

For this reason, his party will regulate the permitted capacity, the size of the concert arena, the arrangement of maintaining distance between spectators and the arrangement of health protocols.

"What processes must be fulfilled, all of these must be passed. In the past, when we opened a cinema, we did trials and various conditions that had to be met beforehand," he said.

Previously, the Decree of the Head of the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Number 676 of 2021 stipulates that indoor and outdoor performing arts/exhibition activities are allowed to operate with a maximum capacity of 75 percent of visitors and operating hours start at 10.00-22.00 WIB.

Then, performing/temporary arts activities such as theater, music, orchestra are opened with a maximum capacity of 50 percent of the audience and pocketed the recommendations of the COVID-19 Task Force and the Police.

In addition, it is obligatory to use the PeduliLindung application, to regulate visitor arrivals and the layout of the meeting/activity venues starting from chairs, tables and aisles by implementing 5M.

The 5M are wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility and avoiding crowds.

Visitors are required to make an online reservation and use a non-cash payment method.

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