JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) has stated that it does not mind if Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto enters the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government cabinet after retiring from his position as TNI Commander.

"PPP has no position of objecting or encouraging whether it is Pak Hadi Tjahjanto who immediately handed over the position or others who enter the cabinet," said PPP Deputy General Chair Arsul Sani at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 16.

However, said Arsul, President Jokowi is not someone who needs to be urged to do something, especially regarding a cabinet reshuffle.

"If we look at Pak Jokowi's habits related to positioning or special policies, he does not want to be given input," said the Deputy Chair of the MPR. According to Arsul, the head of state is certainly more proactive in seeking input in making policies. Moreover, the matter of looking for an assistant figure.

"But if he needs input, he will ask, he will ask for input, he will be proactive," said Arsul.

If there are many proposals about who enters and leaves the cabinet, he said, the decision will return to the personal needs of President Jokowi.

"Even if someone tries to give input, suggesting A and B, in my opinion, if it's not in accordance with what Pak Jokowi has in mind, it's a waste," said Arsul.

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