BATU - The manager of the Good Morning Indonesia High School (SPI) in Batu City, JEP, has again been reported for alleged sexual harassment of his students. This time, there were 5 witnesses as well as victims who came to the Batu Police Headquarters, East Java.

Their arrival was to strengthen the existing evidence in which the JEP case was currently in the process of being transferred to the East Java Prosecutor's Office. Previously, they along with 15 other victim witnesses had given their statements at the East Java Regional Police.

This reporting process is overseen by the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPA) Batu City. The head of Batu City LPA, Fuad Dwiyono, said that this report was a form of strengthening evidence of immoral acts by the JEP, which until now still has the status of dumas (public complaints).

"We hope that from this complaint, the JEP case can be completed soon. Therefore, there are 5 witnesses to this victim who reported to the Batu Police. Now they have been investigated,” he said after mentoring reporters, Monday, November 15.

Fuad explained that the five people consisted of 3 victims of sexual harassment and 2 victims of economic exploitation. They are both witnesses and victims.

From the victim's confession, JEP's alleged immoral acts were carried out at almost every opportunity. Something happened at SMA SPI Kota Batu, something happened in Surabaya and Semarang.

"In the meantime, complaints are coming to us. It is very likely that there are other locations as well," he said.

It is possible, continued Fuad, that there will also be 2 key witnesses to the immoral act. However, both of them were hindered by the permission of the family who did not want the case of their child to be brought up again.

"Yes, there are 2 other new victims who have been victims in 2020. We hope that they will also open their voices to help this case be completed soon," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian National Commission for Child Protection urged the East Java Police to ensnare JE with Articles 80, 81 and 82 of Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. However, the police only applied Article 80.

To confirm the violation of Articles 81 and 82 by JE, five people who had reported to the East Java Police reported their case back to the Batu Police.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Batu Police, Iptu Yussy Purwanto, said that the report received by the Batu Police was said to have only collected data. Later, the results of the data collection will be sent to the East Java Regional Police.

"Regarding the reporting of victims of sexual violence, we only recorded everything, later the East Java Police would handle it. It was all in accordance with the instructions from the Director of Criminal Justice," said Iptu Yussy.

Apart from that, Yussy emphasized the same commitment that perpetrators of sexual violence against children could not be allowed to do. The Batu Police also has a commitment to child protection.

"If there are reports related to the same case, we will certainly follow up according to the applicable law. The police always accept complaints from the public and we will follow up," he said.

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