MADIUN - Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Polres) Madiun City, East Java, arrested three perpetrators of theft of two motorcycle units. One of the perpetrators is a student at a university in Madiun.

Madiun City Police Chief AKBP Dewa Putu Eka Darmawan said the three perpetrators were AA (27), AS (19), and DS (22). All three are residents of Mangge Village, West District, Magetan Regency.

"Of the three, the suspect's brain is AA. He invited two of his friends to steal the motorbike at different times and locations", said AKBP Dewa during a press conference at Madiun City Police Headquarters, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 15.

Based on the suspect's confession, the chronology of the theft began with AA's action on October 20, 2021. Suspect AA invited his neighbor, DS (22) to steal a Yamaha Vixion motorbike which happened to be parked on the edge of a rice field in the Pucangrejo Village area, Sawahan District, Madiun Regency.

"Incidentally, the key to the motorbike that was targeted was still stuck in, making it easier for the perpetrators to steal it", said the police chief.

After succeeding in the first action, AA again committed theft on November 7, 2021. In the second action, AA invited AS (19) who was also his neighbor. This second action was carried out in a rice warehouse on the side of the highway in Pule Village, Sawahan District, Madiun Regency. AA and AS pretended to take shelter because it was raining at that time.

"After seeing the situation and feeling safe, the two then stole a motorbike parked on the terrace of the rice warehouse by being pushed using the first stolen Vixion motorbike", he said.

By the perpetrators, the two stolen motorbikes were then sold through social media Facebook for IDR 3 million. Before they were sold, the three perpetrators were first arrested by Madiun City Police officers.

"The police received a report about the sale of motorbikes at low prices through social media. After checking, it turned out that the motorbikes sold were similar to the motorbikes of the missing victims. Knowing this, our officers moved and arrested the perpetrators. All three admitted when interrogated by officers", he added.

Based on the suspect's statement to the police, the action was done to pay off debts.

For that incident, the three suspects were charged with Article 363-4e of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a threat of imprisonment for seven years.

Currently, the suspect and evidence have been secured by the police for further legal proceedings.

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