JAKARTA - Head of Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin asked the public not to hate his staff for taking action against violators of the COVID-19 prevention protocol during the transitional PSBB period in Jakarta.
During the prosecution, Arifin said it was not uncommon for people to not accept sanctions in the form of fines or social work when they were proven to have violated PSBB rules, such as not wearing masks and crowding around.
"Satpol PP is indeed in the forefront of preventing (COVID-19 transmission) among residents who are active in Jakarta. We beg to be accepted, don't then Satpol PP will be scorned and hated," said Arifin in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, August 5.
Arifin said that this action was indeed the task of the Satpol PP in order to protect the public from contracting the corona virus. So, the number of COVID-19 cases could decrease.
"We don't want Satpol PP to be feared, but this is in order to protect the public from contracting COVID-19," he said.
Furthermore, the results of the Satpol PP prosecution from the beginning of the PSBB period until August 3, the total fines received from violators of the health protocol reached billions of rupiah.
"Regarding the value of fines, those who do not wear masks have reached Rp1 billion. So, the total penalties imposed from the beginning of the PSBB until the transition period reached Rp. 2.4 billion," he said.
Meanwhile, 62,198 offenders have been prosecuted for not wearing masks in Jakarta. Then, the number of violations in public facilities that were prosecuted reached 595 business places.
Then, there were 60 socio-cultural activities that were punished. This action is mostly imposed on places of the tourism industry which have not been allowed to operate until now, such as nightclubs.
"So, we took action because we tried to carry out activities with a written warning on 8 places, seals 28 places, and a fine of 24 places," he said.
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