DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster encourages digital tourism for Balinese culture which will later be regulated in a Bali Regional Regulation (Perda). This regulation is being discussed by members of the Bali Regional Representative Council (DPRD).

"We see a new opportunity because of advances in digital technology. So now many business actors are taking advantage of this digital technology. But for us in Bali as a tourism area, the use of digital technology is massive digital technology," said Koster, during the discussion of the Raperda in the main courtroom of the Bali Provincial DPRD building, Monday, November 15.

According to him, if this is not regulated and managed, Bali will lose potential regional income through cultural digital tourism.

"If this is not regulated and not managed, we will lose a potential regional income. Therefore, we need to have a regional company that specifically regulates and manages the existence of digital cultural tourism in Bali," he added.

Koster also said that currently there is a lot of development, especially with the digital tourism service business and the players are difficult to control. Meanwhile, the economic value that Bali gets from tourism is less than optimal.

"It's hard for us to control it. The economic value we get from this tourism is less than optimal for us in Bali Province. We lose a lot. So the hustle and bustle of our tourism in Bali, which looks very luxurious, actually has little economic value for Bali. the perpetrators and their management cannot be managed optimally. So, we don't get much benefit," he explained.

The digital space for Balinese culture, continued Koster, must be empowered with one regulation. That way it can provide optimal benefits for the economy of the people in Bali.

"So that there is a direct link between tourism actors digitally and the lives of our people in Bali. So, tourism does not run alone, does not run alone, but it will be inland with the economic growth of the community and provide welfare for the community and also create jobs and at the same time to increase economic value and reduce poverty in the province of Bali," added Koster.

"This is what I mean so that we can turn our tourism in Bali into a real potential to provide benefits to the lives of the Balinese people. Direct and indirect economic benefits," said Koster.

Currently, according to him, policy makers are still complacent and carried away so that they cannot manage digital Balinese culture and finally the economic cycle does not occur in Bali.

"So far we are complacent, we are carried away by the current, cannot direct, cannot manage optimally so that many of these potentials run out of Bali and do not revolve in Bali. Bali, that's what we want," he said.

"That is why, we are now strengthening the regional regulation for the implementation of tourism. At the same time, tourism management is from upstream to downstream and also utilizes this digital technology so that we can run and manage it well. So there is one door (or) Bali tourism portal. What happens in Bali, we can manage the interaction mechanism optimally, which will provide economic benefits to the Balinese people," said Koster.

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