JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has given a message to all regional heads not to be afraid of OTT's silent operation. As long as you run the government by upholding integrity, there is no need to be afraid of being arrested by the KPK.

"As long as regional heads run their government by upholding integrity, prioritizing the principles of 'good governance', and not violating applicable laws, there is no need to hesitate to innovate or be afraid of OTT," said Acting KPK Spokesperson Ipi Maryati Kuding in a statement in Jakarta, Monday 15 November.

The KPK responded to a video clip of the Regent of Banyumas, Central Java, Achmad Husein about the KPK OTT which went viral on social media.

Furthermore, said Ipi, the KPK asked for the commitment of regional heads to focus on improving local government governance. Through the "Monitoring Center for Prevention (MCP)", the KPK has summarized eight areas that are corruption-prone sectors as a focus for strengthening good local government governance.

The eight areas are APBD planning and budgeting, procurement of goods and services, licensing, strengthening of APIP, ASN management, optimization of regional taxes, regional asset management, and village financial management.

From the coordination and monitoring evaluation activities (monev) carried out by the KPK in Central Java, there are several things that need to be recorded and need consistent and continuous improvement, namely related to the potential for leakage of tax revenues because they have not been managed optimally, the amount of local tax arrears, and the tax system has not been integrated. , licensing and supervision.

Furthermore, there are still many local governments that have not yet completed the regulation of the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR), there are still allegations of the practice of "fees" for the procurement of goods and services, gratuities and facilitation, many local governments have not implemented the defense of procurement through the "marketplace" for the procurement of goods and services. the value is less than IDR 50 million in the context of efficiency and empowerment of local MSMEs.

Then, there is still a need to strengthen APIP which includes aspects of capacity, capability, competence and independence, there are still allegations of the practice of buying and selling positions in rotation, mutation and promotion as well as the need to strengthen supervision of village fund governance.

Regarding regional asset management, said Ipi, the KPK noted that there were still many Public Infrastructure, Facilities and Utilities (PSU) assets liabilities from developers to the regional government that had not been submitted. In addition, in some local governments, it is necessary to complete a complete settlement related to Personnel, Funding, Facilities and Infrastructure and Documents (P3D) assets. The KPK also noted that there are still many local government assets that have not been certified.

"However, the KPK appreciates the achievement of regional government asset certification in Central Java. From the target for completion of certificates in 2021, which is 45,609 asset fields, as of November 11, 2021, 10,376 certificates have been issued. The rest are still being processed at the Central Java Land Office," said Ipi.

Meanwhile, based on MCP data, Ipi explained that the average MCP achievement for the Central Java region as of November 11, 2021 was recorded at 63 percent.

Therefore, the KPK encourages the commitment of regional heads and all levels of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to fulfill the MCP indicators and sub-indicators as an effort to prevent corruption in the regions.

"The success of corruption prevention efforts is very dependent on the commitment and seriousness of regional heads and their staff to consistently implement the action plans that have been prepared. If these preventive measures are taken, a good system will be built that is not friendly to corruption," said Ipi.

In addition, the KPK realizes that system improvements must also be balanced with the development of an anti-corruption culture in order to maintain the integrity of public officials.

"Because the great power possessed by the regional head without adequate supervision from the supervisory apparatus will cause an impulse to commit criminal acts of corruption or in other words corruption can occur because power is supported by opportunity, but is not accompanied by integrity," said Ipi.

The Regent of Banyumas, Achmad Husein, expressed his wish that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) call the regional head first before conducting a hand arrest operation (OTT). The reason is that the silent operation scared the local leaders.

The request recorded in this video was re-uploaded by former KPK employee Aulia Postiera through her Twitter account @paidjodirajo.

"We are regional heads, we are all afraid and don't want to be OTT. So we ask the KPK, before the OTT we are summoned first. If he changes later, then he is released. But if he doesn't change, then he is arrested," wrote Aulia quoted the Banyumas Regent's statement quoted on Monday, November 15.

He said many things could be discussed why the Regent of Banyumas Achmad Husein conveyed this. However, Aulia said, thoughts like those conveyed by Achmad are considered to perpetuate corrupt practices in the country.

"What the Regent said is a fact of what (which) is in the minds of many officials in this country. It is natural that corruption will never end. It is very sad," he said.

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